Training a slave or submissive
Before we start discussing over how to train a slave or submissive there is a point which needs to be considered. This point is having a slave/submissive is a big responsibility. A Master/Dominant is not only responsible for the slave’s welfare or health but also for their emotional state. In other words the over all well being of the slave is the responsibility of the Master. So this responsibility should not be taken carelessly.
When a Master/Dominant wants to train his submissive he should be clear about two things. That is, first – why he needs to train his slave and second – what is the goal or what is he trying to get out of it. The answer to the first question may be that his slave is new or it may be she is not responding up to the mark of Master. So there comes the difference in a training programme. A new slave requires training for the very basics. The second question’s answer should not only be limited to the Master only but instead it should be for the benefit of both the partners.
What points to be considered while training a submissive is not a defined set of tasks. What works for one couple may not work out for another couple. It means you should use your mind also and modify them to fit your requirements. By increasing your experience you will grow your own ways, methods and techniques. It is not necessary to involve yourself or your slave to participate in sexual acts or BDSM to teach.
- Experience: The very first thing you should try to know is what’s your slave’s experience in such a relationship. You should also consider your own experience too. The level of experience you both have will help you to know what level of training you need to give to your submissive.
- Clear Expectations: Whether you are going to train a slave or any submissive looking to be trained for the Master. In any case you should be clear about all your expectations especially the basic ones.
- Do not abuse in training: You must remember that your submissive is also a human being. You should not at any time abuse or break her emotionally. You should set your standards and restrict her to them. You should understand that there is difference between saying and doing. There may be situations where your slave admits that she can do the task but cannot do it properly. One cannot become perfect overnight.
- Increase your knowledge: You should also try to increase your awareness of the things about this lifestyle you need to be aware of. Being a submissive they may assume you to know everything about this lifestyle.
- Way of Dressing: You can consider how you want her to present herself in front of you. How she will dress in public places and privately. Will she be using any bondage things like collar, cuffs or not.
- Way of addressing: You can consider the way how your slave will address you. How will it be in public and in private, whether it will be the same or a different way of addressing you.
- Testing: Testing your submissive in between the training programme will help the Dominant to measure the achievements of the desired goal of training. It is not necessary to tell the submissive that she is being tested but yes, of course, you can communicate the result of testing and reward her for good performance.
- Daily Journal: In order to know more about a submissive you can ask her to prepare a daily journal. You can know about her little habits. You can know about her likes and dislikes. Journal also helps submissive to be more mindful towards her feelings and emotions and make her more aware about what impacts they can have on her life. A journal also helps to learn from mistakes and grow. Written assignments are very effective in knowing and controlling one’s life. In case of an online relationship the Dominant may ask submissive about what she did that day and what did she eat together with other requirements in order to know and manage submissive more effectively. Photos can be provided as a proof.
A submissive’s training should be done keeping in mind that the relationship should work for both and not only the Dominant’s likes and dislikes. Some people do not agree with this for a slave. Please comment your thoughts above or start a topic in our Forums.