The basics of flogging: How to flog someone?
With the basic knowledge and guidelines of flogging, you can boost the enjoyment factor for both the Dom and submissive. Practicing on a wall or a pillow is the first step for a beginner who never flogged anyone before.
- First of all, both the parties need to discuss their desires and requirements. Also, decide a safe word to stop or slow down the flogging. Discuss either the submissive like thud sensations or stinging? How much interested you are in trying new experiments? Discuss the possible physical problems associated with flogging.
- While flogging, the best part to flog is the upper back of the each spine. Make sure that you stay off the spine because it really hurts and can cause serious injury. Also, try to avoid the upper butts and hips because it causes a different type of pain which is not desired by everyone.
- During the flogging, try to stop the flogger right after the tail hits the back. You can also try pulling back the flogger as soon as it touches the back.
- Try to stay away from unintentional wrapping around a curve such as butt, shoulders, or legs. Actually, wrapping can cause a lot more than desired pain. Sometimes, a submissive is interested in wrapping, and then you can do it in the discussed limit.
- But is the most invited part for the flogging. Since they are round in shape and smaller in size, you need to be very accurate. Any excessive wrapping around the hips can cause serious pain. The butt is very rewarding in terms of flogging. You can also flog the thighs, but again with a lot care and précised force.
- Female breasts can be flogged without any issue but you need to spend very little force to avoid the medical issues. On the other hand, male breasts can be flogged without any worries as it is safe.
- During the initial flogging, use softer blows and then you can exert more force once she is comfortable enough. Using the light flogger before the heavier one is the best practice. But, if you don’t have more than one, you can adjust the force.
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- While flogging, pay a close attention to submissive and vary the strokes according to her behavior. The best way to learn flogging is through maintaining a close look at her face expressions. There is a clear difference in the feeling of a pain and joy.
- Always remember that softer or heavier tails will cause thud while the narrower will result into sting (braided leather are normally extra stingy). You will understand these differences in a better manner by trying them on your own skin.
- ALWAYS stay away from the joints. They are the worst parts to be flogged when it comes to get the pleasure from it.
Before starting the play, you need to bring the first aid kid and make use of it whenever you notice any blood. Most of the times, blood goes off with the leather, but sometimes you need to wipe it with a small cloth since there is not much blood, AND THERE SHOULD NOT BE!
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Make sure the place is dry for at least one week where you are planning the flogging play because the drying actions will kill the aids viruses. If you are playing with more than once person while using the same floggers, clean them perfectly with a solution of bleach.
Also, remember that there is a big difference in flogging someone in a standing position and lying position. At the last, if someone is trusting you that much to allow you to flog, you need to be very kind and careful during all the play.
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