Milking/Lactation Training for Female subs
It doesn’t happen with everyone but it is possible to train a sub to be milked of lactate in small amounts. Getting a sub to this point can be a very long process and it will take a long time to know if it’s possible with your own sub. Milking is extremely humiliating and once you get there, training must continue or the ability to be milked with disappear again.
Start Very Slowly
Lactation training should start as a daily process and very slowly. Around the same time each day is preferable. A regular schedule is a must because you’re basically imitating normal breastfeeding.
You should try to make the sub’s nipples sensitive. Not all women have the same nipple sensitivity so try not to make it painful. The should be kept sensitive for most of the day or all day if possible because she needs to be stimulated by the feeling. If it appeals to her to be trained for milking, this is the most important part psychologically. Some things you can do to create psycholocal support for your training regime is to buy a breast feeding bra. These special bras give direct access to her nipples and wearing one will also help her get the right mind set.
You can also order her to take extra care with her nipples by washing more than normal on a regular basis but not to overdo it. This should be a suble trick so she doesn’t forget but shouldn’t be done too much either. Experiment to see what works for both of you.
The Physical Side of Training
The physical training may require some personal experimenting before it’s done right. Both need to dedicate time and effort to get the nipples ready. You’ll need a breastfeeding breast pump that can be placed over the nipples and vacumized. Make it a special time each day by picking a specific hour when the sub is feeling fit and not to tired etc after a full day of other activities.
Have her sit or lay comfortably and place the pumps over the nipples. Experiment with the time, maybe five or ten minutes, depending if they become painful rather than sensitive as a result of the pumps.
Once the nipples are ready, take them between your fingers and pull, twist and squeeze them together in the fashion of milking a cow. This squeezing and pulling should not be painful so use a combination of strength that allows the sub to feel it but not be hurt.
Keep the Actions Going Rhythmically and Slowly
This squeezing and pulling action should be kept up slowly and rhythmically for 5-10 minutes before stopping.
During the first few weeks there certainly won’t be any milk produced. There may be a few drops of blood or white fluid from the lymphatic glands come out. If you’ve been careful, this is just the result of the intense stimulation and nothing to be concerned about.
Body fluids may contain the HIV virus, including the milk but if youare both long time monogamous partners you can dtermine the difference easily between milk and lymphatic fluid by tasting it. The milk will taste slightly sweet.
It’s important to remember, it may take weeks or even months before your sub will be at the point of producing small amounts of milk which is usually only a few drops.
It can be hard to keep up the fund during the long period of time and to maintain training on a positive note she needs to be really into this.
If it starts to irritate, which is more than likely to happen, then training should be stopped as it won’t be working.
Don’t Do This Training After Pregnancy
It’s not a good idea to take advantage of the sub’s feeding abilities after pregnancy. Milk training should not be attempted for the first six months after full termination of the breastfeeding. Even if the sub is not breastfeeding, attempting to milk could interfere heavily with her ability to recuperate naturally and end the lactate production.
All articles on Doms and subs are provided for informational or entertainment purposes only. We are NOT responsible for any injures or other results that participating or partaking in such activities might cause. All article on this website are based on the personal opinion of the author and does not always reflect those of the owners and / or staff of Doms and subs. If you try anything found in this article, you do so at your OWN risk! Always remember! SAFETY FIRST! and please use common sense.