BDSM Guide | Doms and subs

what is sub training
When it comes to “training a submissive,” some people take it as disrespect of the person, like training an animal. Without any doubt, a slave or submissive is not an animal. Unfortunately, people take this phrase “training a submissive” in a negative manner. This ‘training’ is more likely the preparation of a particular job. It […]
spanking, biting, hitting
Being a submissive, the ‘D’ in BDSM, discipline is my most favorite activity, but it wasn’t always up to the mark. The major reason was I dated those who were just a pussy to hit me and few were those who just wanted to hit me wherever they can. Both attitudes are not acceptable in […]
Let's talk dirty
Most of the times, turning yourself on is very mental. Things going on in your mind are as significant as what’s happening with your body. This is the reason why dirty talk and verbal communication is very important! For me, there is nothing better than dirty talk to get myself turned on and have an […]
Types of Dominant
In BDSM community, a top or dominant have a lot of roles depending on their desires and requirements. Being a Dom, you need to select a particular role to enter into a relationship. Sometimes, Doms do select various roles at one time, but it is very uncommon. If you want to perform various roles in […]
From online to real
Nowadays, a lot of people start their relationships online via forums or social media platforms. Finding a person online and having a daily chat makes you close and you start caring for each other. Once you spent enough time with each other and built some trust, you decided to meet physically. Now, what do you […]
One of the very first questions asked to a new submissive is “What are your limits?” For the new submissive, it is a quite meaningless question because she doesn’t know the answer since she was never tested before. She might say that “We have no limits.” Only two types of people can give the statement that […]
“Limits” is a word used to explain the acceptable range of play for an individual in the BDSM community. The main purpose of limits is to explain the lifestyle preferences of a person before starting a relationship. It ensures that all the rights, needs, and requirements are clearly understood by both the partners. In fact, […]
bdsm- bondage
Safewords in BDSM is a way to express that the scene is causing a serious problem and its must be stopped. Safewords are used by submissive and Dominants are well-aware about it. Whenever, someone is involved in an activity that the potential to cause any type of damage either it is emotional or physical, there […]