
New and Inexperienced

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    I need some insight please. I have been in a relationship for 4 years with a man who I believe is a Dom. He has never said he is one. I feel like i have been i’in training’ and observation this whole time. In full disclosure i did have some issues with the dynamic at first and he would back off, ignoring all of my questions. He only sees me if i go to him and never in public. I felt like i was being lied to for some reason and only getting a portion of the real story. He has a girlfriend he lives with and tells me he’s very unhappy with though he stays with her and appears happy, stating its for financial reasons. He has gone through every challenge with me and i feel that we are friends. I love him and would do anything to please him. I just dont know what to think at this point. He keeps me at arms length from his life. I have asked him questions, some pointed, he doesnt respond when i ask directly but he will offer information if i dont ask. I have been equally confused and delighted by my interactions with him. Ive never felt about anyone the way i feel about him. I would do almost anything for him. He’s very stern at times and says he doesnt like cuddling or affection. He has given me gifts of his art on my body. And has told me he loves me. Calls me little and Daddy’s girl. I feel like we’re deeply connected. He has stayed connected with me through everything either in text, phone, email, or sometimes in person. Im extremely submissive, almost slave like, and enjoy pleasing him above anything. And yet this one aspect, the feeling that there is a ton i dont know, keeps me from surrendering to him and trusting him fully. Im just curious if anyone else has ever had a similar experience.


    In my humble opinion you’ll never be able to surrender and trust fully if he keeps you as his dirty little secret while remaining with his girlfriend. I understand the strong friendship connection that sometimes happens with one who is committed to another but remember actions speak louder than words. I would be very wary of someone who says they love me yet won’t even be seen in public with you. It’s hard when you want to please someone so much for not real return. Wish you the best.

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